Understanding the Role of Mandatory Spending in Balancing the US Budget
Mandatory spending is a crucial aspect of the US budget, with the potential to significantly impact the country’s economic stability and financial well-being. Learn more about mandatory spending, its role in balancing the US budget and the potential effects it can have on government programs, national debt and long-term fiscal sustainability.
The Intersection of Political Activism and Civic Engagement
Educators play a key role in teaching students about the importance of civic engagement and political activism. However, many educators find explaining these concepts in a way that captivates students’ interest and resonates in a meaningful way to be a daunting task.
Learn more about these two crucial aspects of democratic participation and discover some strategies for promoting and encouraging them in the classroom and beyond.
Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion in Political Discourse
When it comes to politics, people often hold passionate positions when it comes to their beliefs, which can sometimes lead to heated discussions and even arguments. Distinguishing what differentiates fact from opinion can help generate more constructive conversations and elevate your political discourse.
Learn the difference between facts, opinions, beliefs and prejudice in political discourse and discover how to navigate this complex intersection with understanding and respect by examining your own political perspectives for unconscious bias.